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GP consultation

GP Consultations

Our doctors are attentive and dedicated to looking after your health and wellbeing.

Our standard appointments last 30 minutes, giving you time to explore your problem with the doctor, agree a course of action and organise any tests or referrals you may need.

Our short appointment (15 minutes) are only for follow-ups, discussion of results or for minor ailments. 

30 minute appointment:  £120
15 minute appointment :  £80
Telephone appointment: £80

Blood tests

Blood tests

We offer a wide range of blood tests. Our doctors will take a blood sample from you which is sent to a laboratory promptly for testing. These are processed quickly with the results sent securely to your doctor as soon as they are ready.

We have a very comprehensive range of available blood tests, too many to mention. 

If you have a test in mind, we probably can do it! Please contact us to discuss your needs.


We have fast access to a variety of imaging tests to aid your diagnosis.
Our expert radiologists will examine and report your test with quick and accurate results. 
✔️   Xrays
✔️   Ultrasound
✔️   CT scan
✔️   MRI scan

Health Screen

Health Screening

Our personalised health check provides a comprehensive assessment of your health. This is commonly known as a 'health MOT' to check everything is in good working order.

This medical is designed to detect common medical problems including high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, anaemia, infections, kidney and liver disease, calcium levels, iron levels, prostate cancer for men, thyroid problems (which are common in women) and vitamin D deficiency which can lead to bone/muscle aches and general tiredness.

The check begins with a nurse to carry out tests, including

  • Blood tests 

  • Height, weight, BMI and blood pressure readings

  • Pulse check, Oxygen saturations

  • ECG to check for heart disease and rhythm abnormalities

  • Urine analysis


Subsequently, you will see the GP to discuss any symptoms or concerns you may have.  The doctor will conduct an examination of the body including a prostate and testicular exam for men and a breast examination for women.

The blood tests include:

  • Full lipid profile (cholesterol and more)

  • Full blood count and ESR (non-specific inflammation)

  • Kidney function

  • Liver function

  • Bone profile

  • Thyroid function

  • Diabetes check

  • Iron levels

  • Prostate specific antigen for men

  • Vitamin D (included for women)

A stool kit is given at this appointment and it can be carried out at home and then posted to the laboratory in the pre-paid envelope provided.

Further tests can be requested at extra charge – this includes more specific blood tests, cervical smear, sexual health tests, scans etc.  

A Health Screening Report containing all the results of the tests and examinations is emailed or sent in the post. This also includes recommendations and advice from the GP, if needed, to improve health and wellbeing going forward.


£ 650 for men

£ 725 for women, includes Cervical smear (optional)


Medical forms

We are able to assist you in completing medical assessments for Visa, Racing, Acting that you require.  We are currently not doing HGV, Taxi and Firearms licence. We do not perform aviation medicals. 

We ask that you bring in the appropriate level of your health records from your NHS GP surgery so that we are able to consult your medical details before completing forms. 

Medical assessments differ in requirement, so please let us know exactly what you require, or better to email a copy of the required form so we are aware what is needed. 

Costs: £150-195, other additional costs may apply e.g. tests. 

Please contact us for exact fees

Sexual Health Tests

Sexual Health

Sexually transmitted infections (STI) and diseases (STD) may go unnoticed following exposure or an intimate encounter. Sometimes, you may feel some symptoms which may indicate a STI. If you think you might be at risk, book in for a test or full screening for a range of tests and get your results back quickly. 

Other Services

Cervical Smears 

A cervical screening test (smear test) is a method of detecting abnormal cells on the cervix. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common virus transmitted through sexual contact. High Risk sub- types of HPV (HR-HPV) are linked to the development of abnormal cells and can cause cervical cancer

We offer the following options for Cervical Screening:
(HPV: Human Papillomavirus;  Cytology : Examination of cells under microscope)

Option 1:  HPV Screening - High risk subtype.  Cost: £170

HPV testing is the first line test. It will be carried out as a single test and reported as Detected/Not Detected. If this is detected, cytology (examination of cells under microscope) will be automatically processed with no extra charge.  

If not detected, then cytology will not be performed. 

Results: Approximately 1 week

Option 2: HPV Screening - Low and high risk subtypes.  Cost: £225

HPV low and high risk DNA subtypes will be reported individually (9 low and 19 high risk). If High Risk DNA subtypes are positive then Cervical Cytology will be automatically processed without charge.

Results : Approximately 1 week

Option 3: HPV Primary Screening - High risk subtype AND Cervical Cytology.  Cost: £275

High risk HPV tests are performed as well as Cytology (examination of cervical cells under microsocpy).

Results: Approximately 10 days

Please note: that this does not include the appointment fee of £120 for a 30 minute appointment to discuss and perform the sample procedure.

Electrocardiogram (ECG) - £ 75

An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a simple test that can be used to check your heart's rhythm and electrical activity. 

The Doctor's Room Hertfordshire

Rivers Hospital, High Wych Road, Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire. CM21 0HH

For appointments: book online, call 07575 00 9876 or email

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